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Fluent Validation Middleware for HTTP

Wolverine.Http has a separate package called WolverineFx.Http.FluentValidation that provides a simple middleware for using Fluent Validation in your HTTP endpoints.

To get started, install that Nuget reference:

dotnet add package WolverineFx.Http.FluentValidation

Next, let's assume that you have some Fluent Validation validators registered in your application container for the request types of your HTTP endpoints -- and the UseFluentValidation method from the WolverineFx.FluentValidation package will help find these validators and register them in a way that optimizes this middleware usage.

Next, add this one single line of code to your Wolverine.Http bootstrapping:


as shown in context below in an application shown below:

app.MapWolverineEndpoints(opts =>
    // This is strictly to test the endpoint policy

    opts.ConfigureEndpoints(httpChain =>
        // The HttpChain model is a configuration time
        // model of how the HTTP endpoint handles requests

        // This adds metadata for OpenAPI
        httpChain.WithMetadata(new CustomMetadata());

    // more configuration for HTTP...

    // Opting into the Fluent Validation middleware from
    // Wolverine.Http.FluentValidation

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Released under the MIT License.