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"Separate" or Ancillary Stores 2.13

Let's say that you want to use the full "Critter Stack" inside of a modular monolith architecture. With Marten, you might well want to use its "Separate Store" feature ("ancillary" in Wolverine parlance) to split up the modules so they are accessing different, logical databases -- even if in the end everything is stored in the exact same PostgreSQL database. However, even with separate Marten document stores, you still want Wolverine's:

  • Transaction middleware support, including the transactional outbox
  • Scheduled message support -- which is really part of the outbox anyway
  • Subscriptions to Marten events captured by these separate stores
  • Marten side effect model (MartenOps)
  • Ability to automatically set up the necessary envelope storage tables and functions in each database or separate schema

Well now you can get that, but there's a few explicit steps to take.

First off, you need to explicitly and individually tag each Marten store that you want to be integrated with Wolverine in your bootstrapping.

From the Wolverine tests, say you have these two separate stores:

public interface IPlayerStore : IDocumentStore;
public interface IThingStore : IDocumentStore;

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We can add Wolverine integration to both through a similar call to IntegrateWithWolverine() as normal as shown below:

theHost = await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
    .UseWolverine(opts =>

        opts.Durability.Mode = DurabilityMode.Solo;

        opts.Services.AddMartenStore<IPlayerStore>(m =>
            m.DatabaseSchemaName = "players";
            // Add a subscription
            .SubscribeToEvents(new ColorsSubscription())
            // Forward events to wolverine handlers
            .PublishEventsToWolverine("PlayerEvents", x =>
        // Look at that, it even works with Marten multi-tenancy through separate databases!
        opts.Services.AddMartenStore<IThingStore>(m =>
            m.MultiTenantedDatabases(tenancy =>
                tenancy.AddSingleTenantDatabase(tenant1ConnectionString, "tenant1");
                tenancy.AddSingleTenantDatabase(tenant2ConnectionString, "tenant2");
                tenancy.AddSingleTenantDatabase(tenant3ConnectionString, "tenant3");
            m.DatabaseSchemaName = "things";


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Now, moving to message handlers or HTTP endpoints, you will have to explicitly tag either the containing class or individual messages with the [MartenStore(store type)] attribute like this simple example below:

// This will use a Marten session from the
// IPlayerStore rather than the main IDocumentStore
public static class PlayerMessageHandler
    // Using a Marten side effect just like normal
    public static IMartenOp Handle(PlayerMessage message)
        return MartenOps.Store(new Player{Id = message.Id});

snippet source | anchor


At this point the "Critter Stack" team is voting to make the attribute an explicit requirement rather than trying any kind of conventional application of what handlers/messages/HTTP routes are covered by what Marten document store

So what's possible so far?

  • The transactional inbox support is available in all configured Marten stores
  • Transactional middleware
  • The "aggregate handler workflow"
  • Marten side effects
  • Subscriptions to Marten events
  • Multi-tenancy, both "conjoined" Marten multi-tenancy and multi-tenancy through separate databases


In the case of the ancillary Marten stores, the IDocumentSession objects are "lightweight" sessions without any identity map mechanics for better performance.

What's not (yet) supported


There is currently a limitation where Wolverine can only use the inbox/outbox storage from the main Marten document store even if your handler declares that it is from a separate store. This is perfectly fine if your ancillary stores target the same PostgreSQL database. This limitation will be removed in 3.0.

  • It is not possible to use more than one ancillary store in the same handler with the middleware
  • The "Event Forwarding" from Marten to Wolverine
  • Fine grained configuration of the IDocumentSession objects created for the ancillary stores, so no ability to tag custom IDocumentSessionListener objects or control the session type. Listeners could be added through Wolverine middlware though
  • Controlling which schema the Wolverine envelope tables are placed in. Today they will be placed in the default schema for the ancillary store
  • The PostgreSQL messaging transport will not span the ancillary databases, but will still work if the ancillary store is targeting the same database

Released under the MIT License.