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Test Automation Support

The Wolverine team absolutely believes in Test Driven Development and the importance of strong test automation strategies as a key part of sustainable development. To that end, Wolverine's conceptual design from the very beginning (Wolverine started as "Jasper" in 2015!) has been to maximize testability by trying to decouple application code from framework or other infrastructure concerns.

See Jeremy's blog post How Wolverine allows for easier testing for an introduction to unit testing Wolverine message handlers.

Also see Wolverine Best Practices for other helpful tips.

Extension Methods for Outgoing Messages

Your Wolverine message handlers will often have some need to publish, send, or schedule other messages as part of their work. At the unit test level you'll frequently want to validate the decision about whether or not to send a message. To aid in those assertions, Wolverine out of the box includes some testing helper extension methods on IEnumerable<object> inspired by the Shouldly project.

For an example, let's look at this message handler for applying a debit to a bank account that will use cascading messages to raise a variable number of additional messages:

public static IEnumerable<object> Handle(
    DebitAccount command,
    Account account,
    IDocumentSession session)
    account.Balance -= command.Amount;

    // This just marks the account as changed, but
    // doesn't actually commit changes to the database
    // yet. That actually matters as I hopefully explain

    // Conditionally trigger other, cascading messages
    if (account.Balance > 0 && account.Balance < account.MinimumThreshold)
        yield return new LowBalanceDetected(account.Id)
            .WithDeliveryOptions(new DeliveryOptions { ScheduleDelay = 1.Hours() });
    else if (account.Balance < 0)
        yield return new AccountOverdrawn(account.Id);

        // Give the customer 10 days to deal with the overdrawn account
        yield return new EnforceAccountOverdrawnDeadline(account.Id);

    yield return new AccountUpdated(account.Id, account.Balance);

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The testing extensions can be seen in action by the following test:

public void handle_a_debit_that_makes_the_account_have_a_low_balance()
    var account = new Account
        Balance = 1000,
        MinimumThreshold = 200,
        Id = 1111

    // Let's otherwise ignore this for now, but this is using NSubstitute
    var session = Substitute.For<IDocumentSession>();

    var message = new DebitAccount(account.Id, 801);
    var messages = AccountHandler.Handle(message, account, session).ToList();

    // Now, verify that the only the expected messages are published:

    // One message of type AccountUpdated

    // You can optionally assert against DeliveryOptions
        .ShouldHaveMessageOfType<LowBalanceDetected>(delivery =>

    // Assert that there are no messages of type AccountOverdrawn

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The supported extension methods so far are in the TestingExtensions class.

As we'll see in the next section, you can also find a matching Envelope for a message type.


I'd personally organize the testing against that handler with a context/specification pattern, but I just wanted to show the extension methods here.


In the section above we used cascading messages, but since there are some use cases -- or maybe even just user preference -- that would lead you to directly use IMessageContext to send additional messages from a message handler, Wolverine comes with the TestMessageContext class that can be used as a test double spy within unit tests.

Here's a different version of the message handler from the previous section, but this time using IMessageContext directly:

public static async Task Handle(
    DebitAccount command,
    Account account,
    IDocumentSession session,
    IMessageContext messaging)
    account.Balance -= command.Amount;

    // This just marks the account as changed, but
    // doesn't actually commit changes to the database
    // yet. That actually matters as I hopefully explain

    // Conditionally trigger other, cascading messages
    if (account.Balance > 0 && account.Balance < account.MinimumThreshold)
        await messaging.SendAsync(new LowBalanceDetected(account.Id));
    else if (account.Balance < 0)
        await messaging.SendAsync(new AccountOverdrawn(account.Id), new DeliveryOptions{DeliverWithin = 1.Hours()});

        // Give the customer 10 days to deal with the overdrawn account
        await messaging.ScheduleAsync(new EnforceAccountOverdrawnDeadline(account.Id), 10.Days());

    // "messaging" is a Wolverine IMessageContext or IMessageBus service
    // Do the deliver within rule on individual messages
    await messaging.SendAsync(new AccountUpdated(account.Id, account.Balance),
        new DeliveryOptions { DeliverWithin = 5.Seconds() });

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To test this handler, we can use TestMessageContext as a stand in to just record the outgoing messages and even let us do some assertions on exactly how the messages were published. I'm using xUnit.Net here, but this is certainly usable from other test harness tools:

public class when_the_account_is_overdrawn : IAsyncLifetime
    private readonly Account theAccount = new Account
        Balance = 1000,
        MinimumThreshold = 100,
        Id = Guid.NewGuid()

    private readonly TestMessageContext theContext = new TestMessageContext();

    // I happen to like NSubstitute for mocking or dynamic stubs
    private readonly IDocumentSession theDocumentSession = Substitute.For<IDocumentSession>();

    public async Task InitializeAsync()
        var command = new DebitAccount(theAccount.Id, 1200);
        await DebitAccountHandler.Handle(command, theAccount, theDocumentSession, theContext);

    public void the_account_balance_should_be_negative()

    public void raises_an_account_overdrawn_message()
        // ShouldHaveMessageOfType() is an extension method in
        // Wolverine itself to facilitate unit testing assertions like this

    public void raises_an_overdrawn_deadline_message_in_10_days()
            // Find the wrapping envelope for this message type,
            // then we can chain assertions against the wrapping Envelope

    public Task DisposeAsync()
        return Task.CompletedTask;

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The TestMessageContext mostly just collects an array of objects that are sent, published, or scheduled. The same extension methods explained in the previous section can be used to verify the outgoing messages and even how they were published.

As of Wolverine 1.8, TestMessageContext also supports limited expectations for request and reply using IMessageBus.InvokeAsync<T>() as shown below:

var spy = new TestMessageContext();
var context = (IMessageContext)spy;

// Set up an expected response for a message
    .RespondWith(new NumberResponse(12));

// Used for:
var response1 = await context.InvokeAsync<NumberResponse>(new NumberRequest(4, 5));

// Set up an expected response with a matching filter
spy.WhenInvokedMessageOf<NumberRequest>(x => x.X == 4)
    .RespondWith(new NumberResponse(12));

// Set up an expected response for a message to an explicit destination Uri
spy.WhenInvokedMessageOf<NumberRequest>(destination:new Uri("rabbitmq://queue/incoming"))
    .RespondWith(new NumberResponse(12));

// Used to set up:
var response2 = await context.EndpointFor(new Uri("rabbitmq://queue/incoming"))
    .InvokeAsync<NumberResponse>(new NumberRequest(5, 6));

// Set up an expected response for a message to a named endpoint
    .RespondWith(new NumberResponse(12));

// Used to set up:
var response3 = await context.EndpointFor("incoming")
    .InvokeAsync<NumberResponse>(new NumberRequest(5, 6));

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Stubbing All External Transports


In all cases here, Wolverine is disabling all external listeners, stubbing all outgoing subscriber endpoints, and not making any connection to external brokers.

Unlike some older .NET messaging tools, Wolverine comes out of the box with its in-memory "mediator" functionality that allows you to directly invoke any possible message handler in the system on demand without any explicit configuration. Great, and that means that there's value in just spinning up the application as is and executing locally -- but what about any external transport dependencies that may be very inconvenient to utilize in automated tests?

To that end, Wolverine allows you to completely disable all external transports including the built in TCP transport. There's a couple different ways to go about it. The simplest conceptual approach is to leverage the .NET environment name like this:

var builder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder();
builder.UseWolverine(opts =>
    // Other configuration...

    // IF the environment is "Testing", turn off all external transports
    if (builder.Environment.IsDevelopment())

using var host = builder.Build();
await host.StartAsync();

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I'm not necessarily comfortable with a lot of conditional hosting setup all the time, so there's another option to use the IServiceCollection.DisableAllExternalWolverineTransports() extension method as shown below:

using var host = await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
    .UseWolverine(opts =>
        // do whatever you need to configure Wolverine

    // Override the Wolverine configuration to disable all
    // external transports, broker connectivity, and incoming/outgoing
    // messages to run completely locally
    .ConfigureServices(services => services.DisableAllExternalWolverineTransports())


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Finally, to put that in a little more context about how you might go about using it in real life, let's say that we have out main application with a relatively clean bootstrapping setup and a separate integration testing project. In this case we'd like to bootstrap the application from the integration testing project as it is, except for having all the external transports disabled. In the code below, I'm using the Alba and WebApplicationFactory:

// This is using Alba to bootstrap a Wolverine application
// for integration tests, but it's using WebApplicationFactory
// to do the actual bootstrapping
await using var host = await AlbaHost.For<Program>(x =>
    // I'm overriding
    x.ConfigureServices(services => services.DisableAllExternalWolverineTransports());

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In the sample above, I'm bootstrapping the IHost for my production application with all the external transports turned off in a way that's appropriate for integration testing message handlers within the main application.

Integration Testing with Tracked Sessions

So far we've been mostly focused on unit testing Wolverine handler methods individually with unit tests without any direct coupling to infrastructure. Great, that's a great start, but you're eventually going to also need some integration tests, and invoking or publishing messages is a very logical entry point for integration testing.

First, why integration testing with Wolverine?

  1. Wolverine is probably most effective when you're heavily leveraging middleware or Wolverine conventions, and only an integration test is really going to get through the entire "stack"
  2. You may frequently want to test the interaction between your application code and infrastructure concerns like databases
  3. Handling messages will frequently spawn other messages that will be executed in other threads or other processes, and you'll frequently want to write bigger tests that span across messages


I'm not getting into it here, but remember that IHost is relatively expensive to build, so you'll probably want it cached between tests. Or at least be aware that it's expensive.

This sample was taken from an introductory blog post that may give you some additional context for what's happening here.

Going back to our sample message handler for the DebitAccount in the previous sections, let's say that we want an integration test that spans the middleware that looks up the Account data, the Fluent Validation middleware, Marten usage, and even across to any cascading messages that are also handled in process as a result of the original message. One of the big challenges with automated testing against asynchronous processing is knowing when the "action" part of the "arrange/act/assert" phase of the test is complete and it's safe to start making assertions. Anyone who has had the misfortune to work with complicated Selenium test suites is very aware of this challenge.

Not to fear though, Wolverine comes out of the box with the concept of "tracked sessions" that you can use to write predictable and reliable integration tests.


I'm omitting the code necessary to set up system state first just to concentrate on the Wolverine mechanics here.

To start with tracked sessions, let's assume that you have an IHost for your Wolverine application in your testing harness. Assuming you do, you can start a tracked session using the IHost.InvokeMessageAndWaitAsync() extension method in Wolverine like this:

public async Task using_tracked_sessions()
    // The point here is just that you somehow have
    // an IHost for your application
    using var host = await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()

    var debitAccount = new DebitAccount(111, 300);
    var session = await host.InvokeMessageAndWaitAsync(debitAccount);

    var overdrawn = session.Sent.SingleMessage<AccountOverdrawn>();

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The tracked session mechanism utilizes Wolverine's internal instrumentation to "know" when all the outstanding work in the system is complete. In this case, if the AccountOverdrawn message spawned from DebitAccount is handled locally, the InvokeMessageAndWaitAsync() call will not return until the other messages that are routed locally are finished processing or the test times out. The tracked session will also throw an AggregateException with any exceptions encountered by any message being handled within the activity that is tracked.

Note that you'll probably mostly invoke messages in these tests, but there are additional extension methods on IHost for other IMessageBus operations.


The Tracked Session includes only messages sent, published, or scheduled during the tracked session. Messages sent before the tracked session are not included in the tracked session.

Finally, there are some more advanced options in tracked sessions you may find useful as shown below:

public async Task using_tracked_sessions_advanced(IHost otherWolverineSystem)
    // The point here is just that you somehow have
    // an IHost for your application
    using var host = await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()

    var debitAccount = new DebitAccount(111, 300);
    var session = await host

        // Start defining a tracked session

        // Override the timeout period for longer tests

        // Be careful with this one! This makes Wolverine wait on some indication
        // that messages sent externally are completed

        // Make the tracked session span across an IHost for another process
        // May not be super useful to the average user, but it's been crucial
        // to test Wolverine itself

        // This is actually helpful if you are testing for error handling
        // functionality in your system

        // Again, this is testing against processes, with another IHost

        // There are many other options as well

    var overdrawn = session.Sent.SingleMessage<AccountOverdrawn>();

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The samples shown above inlcude Sent message records, but there are more properties available in the TrackedSession object. In accordance with the MessageEventType enum, you can access these properties on the TrackedSession object:

public enum MessageEventType

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Let's consider we're testing a Wolverine application which publishes a message, when a change to a watched folder is detected. The part we want to test is that a message is actually published when a file is added to the watched folder. We can use the TrackActivity method to start a tracked session and then use the ExecuteAndWaitAsync method to wait for the message to be published when the file change has happened.

public record FileAdded(string FileName);

public class FileAddedHandler
    public Task Handle(
        FileAdded message
    ) =>

public class RandomFileChange
    private readonly IMessageBus _messageBus;

    public RandomFileChange(
        IMessageBus messageBus
    ) => _messageBus = messageBus;

    public async Task SimulateRandomFileChange()
        // Delay task with a random number of milliseconds
        // Here would be your FileSystemWatcher / IFileProvider
        await Task.Delay(
                new Random().Next(100, 1000)
        var randomFileName = Path.GetRandomFileName();
        await _messageBus.SendAsync(new FileAdded(randomFileName));

public class When_message_is_sent : IAsyncLifetime
    private IHost _host;

    public async Task InitializeAsync()
        var hostBuilder = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder();
            services => { services.AddSingleton<RandomFileChange>(); }

        _host = await hostBuilder.StartAsync();

    public async Task should_be_in_session()
        var randomFileChange = _host.Services.GetRequiredService<RandomFileChange>();

        var session = await _host
                (Func<IMessageContext, Task>)(
                    async (
                    ) => await randomFileChange.SimulateRandomFileChange()


    public async Task DisposeAsync() => await _host.StopAsync();

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As you can see, we just have to start our application, attach a tracked session to it, and then wait for the message to be published. This way, we can test the whole process of the application, from the file change to the message publication, in a single test.

Running Wolverine in "Solo" Mode 3.0

Wolverine's leadership election process is necessary for distributing several background tasks in real life production, but that subsystem can lead to some inconvenient sluggishness in cold start times in automation testing.

To sidestep that problem, you can direct Wolverine to run in "Solo" mode where the current process assumes that it's the only running node and automatically starts up all known background tasks immediately.

To do so, you could do something like this in your main Program file:

var builder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder();

builder.UseWolverine(opts =>
    opts.Services.AddMarten("some connection string")

        // This adds quite a bit of middleware for
        // Marten

    // You want this maybe!

    if (builder.Environment.IsDevelopment())
        // But wait! Optimize Wolverine for usage as
        // if there would never be more than one node running
        opts.Durability.Mode = DurabilityMode.Solo;

using var host = builder.Build();
await host.StartAsync();

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Or if you're using something like WebHostFactory to bootstrap your Wolverine application in an integration testing harness, you can use this helper to override Wolverine into being "Solo":

// This is bootstrapping the actual application using
// its implied Program.Main() set up
// For non-Alba users, this is using IWebHostBuilder 
Host = await AlbaHost.For<Program>(x =>
    x.ConfigureServices(services =>
        // Override the Wolverine configuration in the application
        // to run the application in "solo" mode for faster
        // testing cold starts

        // And just for completion, disable all Wolverine external 
        // messaging transports

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Released under the MIT License.