Conventional Message Routing
Lastly, you can have Wolverine automatically determine message routing to Azure Service Bus based on conventions as shown in the code snippet below. By default, this approach assumes that each outgoing message type should be sent to queue named with the message type name for that message type.
Likewise, Wolverine sets up a listener for a queue named similarly for each message type known to be handled by the application.
var builder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder();
builder.UseWolverine(opts =>
// One way or another, you're probably pulling the Azure Service Bus
// connection string out of configuration
var azureServiceBusConnectionString = builder
// Connect to the broker in the simplest possible way
.UseConventionalRouting(convention =>
// Optionally override the default queue naming scheme
convention.QueueNameForSender(t => t.Namespace)
// Optionally override the default queue naming scheme
.QueueNameForListener(t => t.Namespace)
// Fine tune the conventionally discovered listeners
.ConfigureListeners((listener, builder) =>
var messageType = builder.MessageType;
var runtime = builder.Runtime; // Access to basically everything
// customize the new queue
listener.CircuitBreaker(queue => { });
// other options...
// Fine tune the conventionally discovered sending endpoints
.ConfigureSending((subscriber, builder) =>
// Similarly, use the message type and/or wolverine runtime
// to customize the message sending
using var host = builder.Build();
await host.StartAsync();
Route to Topics and Subscriptions
This option was introduced in Wolverine 1.6.0.
You can also opt into conventional routing using topics and subscriptions named after the message type names like this:
.UseTopicAndSubscriptionConventionalRouting(convention =>
// Optionally control every aspect of the convention and
// its applicability to types
// as well as overriding any listener, sender, topic, or subscription
// options