Railway Programming with Wolverine (Kind Of)
I'm sure a grizzled, experienced developer in your life has already told you this many times, but throwing and catching Exceptions
in .NET code is pretty expensive in terms of performance.
Railway Programming is an idea that came out of the F# community as a way to develop for "sad path" exception cases without having to resort to throwing .NET Exceptions
as a way of doing flow control by chaining together functions in such a way that it's relatively easy to abort workflows is preliminary steps are invalid.
As with just about anything in software development, Railway Programming can be abused or just not be terribly ideal in certain areas. Also see Against Railway-Oriented Programming from its originator just about where it's not a great fit.
Most .NET implementations of Railway Programming that this author has seen involve using some kind of custom Result
type that denotes in a standard way if the processing should continue or stop. Andrew Lock wrote a series about doing this in his series Working with the result pattern.
Some teams have tried to do Railway Programming by using a mediator library where each message handler returns some kind of custom Result
value, then try to chain complex workflows by calling a separate message handler for each step. The Wolverine team very strongly recommends against this approach as it creates a lot of code ceremony and flat out noise code while detracting from both your ability to reason about the code in your system. That approach can very easily create severe performance problems by being "chatty" in its interactions with backing databases and generally making it hard for teams to even see the relationship between system inputs and what database calls are being made.
Wolverine has some direct support for a quasi-Railway Programming approach by moving validation or data loading steps prior to the main message handler or HTTP endpoint logic. Let's jump into a quick sample that works with either message handlers or HTTP endpoints using the built in HandlerContinuation enum:
public static class ShipOrderHandler
// This would be called first
public static async Task<(HandlerContinuation, Order?, Customer?)> LoadAsync(ShipOrder command, IDocumentSession session)
var order = await session.LoadAsync<Order>(command.OrderId);
if (order == null)
return (HandlerContinuation.Stop, null, null);
var customer = await session.LoadAsync<Customer>(command.CustomerId);
return (HandlerContinuation.Continue, order, customer);
// The main method becomes the "happy path", which also helps simplify it
public static IEnumerable<object> Handle(ShipOrder command, Order order, Customer customer)
// use the command data, plus the related Order & Customer data to
// "decide" what action to take next
yield return new MailOvernight(order.Id);
By naming convention (but you can override the method naming with attributes as you see fit), Wolverine will try to generate code that will call methods named Before/Validate/Load(Async)
before the main message handler method or the HTTP endpoint method. You can use this compound handler approach to do set up work like loading data required by business logic in the main method or in this case, as validation logic that can stop further processing based on failed validation or data requirements or system state. Some Wolverine users like using these method to keep the main methods relatively simple and focused on the "happy path" and business logic in pure functions that are easier to unit test in isolation.
By returning a HandlerContinuation
value either by itself or as part of a tuple returned by a Before
, Validate
, or LoadAsync
method, you can direct Wolverine to stop all other processing.
You have more specialized ways of doing that in HTTP endpoints by using the ProblemDetails
specification to stop processing like this example that uses a Validate()
method to potentially stop processing with a descriptive 400 and error message:
public record CategoriseIncident(
IncidentCategory Category,
Guid CategorisedBy,
int Version
public static class CategoriseIncidentEndpoint
// This is Wolverine's form of "Railway Programming"
// Wolverine will execute this before the main endpoint,
// and stop all processing if the ProblemDetails is *not*
// "NoProblems"
public static ProblemDetails Validate(Incident incident)
return incident.Status == IncidentStatus.Closed
? new ProblemDetails { Detail = "Incident is already closed" }
// All good, keep going!
: WolverineContinue.NoProblems;
// This tells Wolverine that the first "return value" is NOT the response
// body
public static IncidentCategorised Post(
// the actual command
CategoriseIncident command,
// Wolverine is generating code to look up the Incident aggregate
// data for the event stream with this id
[Aggregate("incidentId")] Incident incident)
// This is a simple case where we're just appending a single event to
// the stream.
return new IncidentCategorised(incident.Id, command.Category, command.CategorisedBy);
The value WolverineContinue.NoProblems
tells Wolverine that everything is good, full speed ahead. Anything else will write the ProblemDetails
value out to the response, return a 400 status code (or whatever you decide to use), and stop processing. Returning a ProblemDetails
object hopefully makes these filter methods easy to unit test themselves.
You can also use the AspNetCore IResult
as another formally supported "result" type in these filter methods like this shown below:
public static class ExamineFirstHandler
public static bool DidContinue { get; set; }
public static IResult Before([Entity] Todo2 todo)
return todo != null ? WolverineContinue.Result() : Results.Empty;
public static void Handle(ExamineFirst command) => DidContinue = true;
In this case, the "special" value WolverineContinue.Results()
tells Wolverine to keep going, otherwise, Wolverine will execute the IResult
returned from one of these filter methods and stop all other processing for the HTTP request.