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As is so common in these docs, I would direct you to this from the old "EIP" book: Process Manager. A stateful saga in Wolverine is used to coordinate long running workflows or to break large, logical transactions into a series of smaller steps. A stateful saga in Wolverine consists of a couple parts:

  1. A saga state document type that is persisted between saga messages that must inherit from the Wolverine.Saga type. This will also be your handler type for all messages that directly impact the saga
  2. Messages that would update the saga state when handled
  3. A saga persistence strategy registered in Wolverine that knows how to load and persist the saga state documents
  4. An identity for the saga state in order to save, load, or delete the current saga state

Your First Saga

See the OrderSagaSample project in GitHub for all the sample code in this section.

Jumping right into an example, consider a very simple order management service that will have steps to:

  • Create a new order
  • Complete the order
  • Or alternatively, delete new orders if they have not been completed within 1 minute

For the moment, I’m going to ignore the underlying persistence and just focus on the Wolverine message handlers to implement the order saga workflow with this simplistic saga code:

public record StartOrder(string OrderId);

public record CompleteOrder(string Id);

// This message will always be scheduled to be delivered after
// a one minute delay
public record OrderTimeout(string Id) : TimeoutMessage(1.Minutes());

public class Order : Saga
    public string? Id { get; set; }

    // This method would be called when a StartOrder message arrives
    // to start a new Order
    public static (Order, OrderTimeout) Start(StartOrder order, ILogger<Order> logger)
        logger.LogInformation("Got a new order with id {Id}", order.OrderId);

        // creating a timeout message for the saga
        return (new Order{Id = order.OrderId}, new OrderTimeout(order.OrderId));

    // Apply the CompleteOrder to the saga
    public void Handle(CompleteOrder complete, ILogger<Order> logger)
        logger.LogInformation("Completing order {Id}", complete.Id);

        // That's it, we're done. Delete the saga state after the message is done.

    // Delete this order if it has not already been deleted to enforce a "timeout"
    // condition
    public void Handle(OrderTimeout timeout, ILogger<Order> logger)
        logger.LogInformation("Applying timeout to order {Id}", timeout.Id);

        // That's it, we're done. Delete the saga state after the message is done.

snippet source | anchor

A few explanatory notes on this code before we move on to detailed documentation:

  • Wolverine leans a bit on type and naming conventions to discover message handlers and to “know” how to call these message handlers. Some folks will definitely not like the magic, but this approach leads to substantially less code and arguably complexity compared to existing .Net tools
  • Wolverine supports the idea of scheduled messages, and the new TimeoutMessage base class we used up there is just a shorthand way to utilize that support for “saga timeout” conditions
  • Wolverine generally tries to adapt to your application code rather that using mandatory adapter interfaces
  • Subclassing Saga is meaningful first as this tells Wolverine "hey, this stateful type should be treated as a saga" for handler discovery, but also for communicating to Wolverine that a logical saga is complete and should be deleted

Now, to add saga persistence, I'm going to lean on the Marten integration with Wolverine and use this bootstrapping for our little order web service:

using Marten;
using Oakton;
using Oakton.Resources;
using OrderSagaSample;
using Wolverine;
using Wolverine.Marten;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Not 100% necessary, but enables some extra command line diagnostics

// Adding Marten
builder.Services.AddMarten(opts =>
        var connectionString = builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("Marten");
        opts.DatabaseSchemaName = "orders";

    // Adding the Wolverine integration for Marten.


// Do all necessary database setup on startup

// The defaults are good enough here

var app = builder.Build();

// Just delegating to Wolverine's local command bus for all
app.MapPost("/start", (StartOrder start, IMessageBus bus) => bus.InvokeAsync(start));
app.MapPost("/complete", (CompleteOrder start, IMessageBus bus) => bus.InvokeAsync(start));
app.MapGet("/all", (IQuerySession session) => session.Query<Order>().ToListAsync());
app.MapGet("/", (HttpResponse response) =>
    response.Headers.Add("Location", "/swagger");
    response.StatusCode = 301;


return await app.RunOaktonCommands(args);

snippet source | anchor

The call to IServiceCollection.AddMarten().IntegrateWithWolverine() adds the Marten backed saga persistence to your application. No other configuration is necessary. See the Marten integration for a little more information about using Marten backed sagas.

How it works


Do not call IMessageBus.InvokeAsync() within a Saga related handler to execute a command on that same Saga. You will be acting on old or missing data. Utilize cascading messages for subsequent work.

Wolverine is wrapping some generated code around your Saga.Start() and Saga.Handle() methods for loading and persisting the state. Here's a (mildly cleaned up) version of the generated code for starting the Order saga shown above:

public class StartOrderHandler133227374 : MessageHandler
    private readonly OutboxedSessionFactory _outboxedSessionFactory;
    private readonly ILogger<Order> _logger;

    public StartOrderHandler133227374(OutboxedSessionFactory outboxedSessionFactory, ILogger<Order> logger)
        _outboxedSessionFactory = outboxedSessionFactory;
        _logger = logger;

    public override async Task HandleAsync(MessageContext context, CancellationToken cancellation)
        var startOrder = (StartOrder)context.Envelope.Message;
        await using var documentSession = _outboxedSessionFactory.OpenSession(context);
        (var outgoing1, var outgoing2) = Order.Start(startOrder, _logger);
        // Register the document operation with the current session
        // Outgoing, cascaded message
        await context.EnqueueCascadingAsync(outgoing2).ConfigureAwait(false);
        // Commit the unit of work
        await documentSession.SaveChangesAsync(cancellation).ConfigureAwait(false);

And here's the code that's generated for the CompleteOrder command from the sample above:

public class CompleteOrderHandler1228388417 : MessageHandler
    private readonly OutboxedSessionFactory _outboxedSessionFactory;
    private readonly ILogger<Order> _logger;

    public CompleteOrderHandler1228388417(OutboxedSessionFactory outboxedSessionFactory, ILogger<Order> logger)
        _outboxedSessionFactory = outboxedSessionFactory;
        _logger = logger;
    public override async Task HandleAsync(MessageContext context, CancellationToken cancellation)
        await using var documentSession = _outboxedSessionFactory.OpenSession(context);
        var completeOrder = (CompleteOrder)context.Envelope.Message;
        string sagaId = context.Envelope.SagaId ?? completeOrder.Id;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sagaId)) throw new IndeterminateSagaStateIdException(context.Envelope);
        // Try to load the existing saga document
        var order = await documentSession.LoadAsync<Order>(sagaId, cancellation).ConfigureAwait(false);
        if (order == null)
            throw new UnknownSagaException(typeof(Order), sagaId);

            order.Handle(completeOrder, _logger);
            if (order.IsCompleted())
                // Register the document operation with the current session
                // Register the document operation with the current session
            // Commit all pending changes
            await documentSession.SaveChangesAsync(cancellation).ConfigureAwait(false);


Saga Message Identity

In the case of two Wolverine applications sending messages between themselves, or a single Wolverine application messaging itself in regards to an existing ongoing saga, Wolverine will quietly track the saga id through headers. In most other cases, you will need to expose the saga identity directly on the incoming messages.

To do that, Wolverine determines what public member of the saga message refers to the saga identity. In order of precedence, Wolverine first looks for a member decorated with the [SagaIdentity] attribute like this:

public class ToyOnTray
    // There's always *some* reason to deviate,
    // so you can use this attribute to tell Wolverine
    // that this property refers to the Id of the
    // Saga state document
    [SagaIdentity] public int OrderId { get; set; }

snippet source | anchor

Next, Wolverine looks for a member named "{saga type name}Id." In the case of our Order saga type, that would be a public member named OrderId as shown in this code:

public record StartOrder(string OrderId);

And lastly, Wolverine looks for a public member named Id like this one:

public record CompleteOrder(string Id);

Starting a Saga


In all the cases where you return a Saga object from a handler method to denote the start of a new Saga, your code should set the identity for the new Saga.

To start a new saga, you have a couple options. You can use a static Start() or StartAsync() handler method on the Saga type itself like this one on an OrderSaga:

// This method would be called when a StartOrder message arrives
// to start a new Order
public static (Order, OrderTimeout) Start(StartOrder order, ILogger<Order> logger)
    logger.LogInformation("Got a new order with id {Id}", order.OrderId);

    // creating a timeout message for the saga
    return (new Order{Id = order.OrderId}, new OrderTimeout(order.OrderId));

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You can also simply return one or more Saga type objects from a handler method as shown below where Reservation is a Wolverine saga:

public class Reservation : Saga
    public string? Id { get; set; }

    // Apply the CompleteReservation to the saga
    public void Handle(BookReservation book, ILogger<Reservation> logger)
        logger.LogInformation("Completing Reservation {Id}", book.Id);

        // That's it, we're done. Delete the saga state after the message is done.

    // Delete this Reservation if it has not already been deleted to enforce a "timeout"
    // condition
    public void Handle(ReservationTimeout timeout, ILogger<Reservation> logger)
        logger.LogInformation("Applying timeout to Reservation {Id}", timeout.Id);

        // That's it, we're done. Delete the saga state after the message is done.

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and the handler that would start the new saga:

public class StartReservationHandler
    public static (
        // Outgoing message

        // Starts a new Saga

        // Additional message cascading for the new saga
        ReservationTimeout) Handle(StartReservation start)
        return (
            new ReservationBooked(start.ReservationId, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow),
            new Reservation { Id = start.ReservationId },
            new ReservationTimeout(start.ReservationId)

snippet source | anchor

Method Conventions


Note that there are several different legal synonyms for "Handle" or "Consume." This is due to early attempts to make Wolverine backward compatible with its ancestor tooling. Just pick one name or style in your application and use that consistently throughout.

The following method names are meaningful in Saga types:

Start, StartsOnly called if the identified saga does not already exist and the incoming message contains the new saga identity
StartOrHandle, StartsOrHandlesCalled if the identified saga regardless of whether the saga already exists or is new
Handle, HandlesCalled only when the identified saga already exists
Consume, ConsumesCalled only when the identified saga already exists
Orchestrate, OrchestratesCalled only when the identified saga already exists
NotFoundOnly called if the identified saga does not already exist, and there is no matching Start handler for the incoming message
// todo -- more later on Create

When Sagas are Not Found

In the case

Marking a Saga as Complete

Timeout Messages

Released under the MIT License.