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Message Handlers

To be as clear as possible, there is zero runtime Reflection happening within the Wolverine execution runtime pipeline. Like all halfway serious frameworks, Wolverine only uses Reflection for configuration and bootstrapping. At actual runtime, Wolverine uses code generation (which might by dynamically compiled at runtime) to create the wrapping code that bridges Wolverine to your application code.


Wolverine's guiding philosophy is to remove code ceremony from a developer's day to day coding, but that comes at the cost of using conventions that some developers will decry as "too much magic." If you actually prefer having explicit interfaces or base classes or required attributes to direct your code, Wolverine will let you do that too, so don't go anywhere just yet!

Since the whole purpose of Wolverine is to connect incoming messages to handling code, most of your time as a user of Wolverine is going to be spent writing and testing Wolverine message handlers. Let's just jump right into the simplest possible message handler implementation:

public class MyMessageHandler
    public void Handle(MyMessage message)
        Console.WriteLine("I got a message!");

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If you've used other messaging, command execution, or so-called "mediator" tools in .NET, you'll surely notice the absence of any kind of required IHandler<T> type interface that frameworks typically require in order to make your custom code executable by the framework. Instead, Wolverine intelligently wraps dynamic code around your code based on naming conventions to allow you to just write plain old .NET code without any framework specific artifacts in your way.

Back to the handler code, at the point which you pass a new message into Wolverine like so:

public static async Task publish_command(IMessageBus bus)
    await bus.PublishAsync(new MyMessage());

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Between the call to IMessageBus.PublishAsync() and MyMessageHandler.Handle(MyMessage) there's a couple things going on:

  1. Wolverine's built in, automatic handler discovery has to find the candidate message handler methods and correlate them by message type
  2. Wolverine's runtime message processing builds some connective code at runtime to relay the messages passed into IMessageBus to the right message handler methods

Before diving into the exact rules for message handlers, here are some valid handler methods:

public class ValidMessageHandlers
    // There's only one argument, so we'll assume that
    // argument is the message
    public void Handle(Message1 something)

    // The parameter named "message" is assumed to be the message type
    public Task ConsumeAsync(Message1 message, IDocumentSession session)
        return session.SaveChangesAsync();

    // In this usage, we're "cascading" a new message of type
    // Message2
    public Task<Message2> HandleAsync(Message1 message, IDocumentSession session)
        return Task.FromResult(new Message2());

    // In this usage we're "cascading" 0 to many additional
    // messages from the return value
    public IEnumerable<object> Handle(Message3 message)
        yield return new Message1();
        yield return new Message2();

    // It's perfectly valid to have multiple handler methods
    // for a given message type. Each will be called in sequence
    // they were discovered
    public void Consume(Message1 input, IEmailService emails)

    // You can inject additional services directly into the handler
    // method
    public ValueTask ConsumeAsync(Message3 weirdName, IEmailService service)
        return ValueTask.CompletedTask;

    public interface IEvent
        string CustomerId { get; }
        Guid Id { get; }

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It's also valid to use class instances with constructor arguments for your handlers:

// Wolverine does constructor injection as you're probably
// used to with basically every other framework in .NET
public class CreateProjectHandler(IProjectRepository Repository)
    public async Task HandleAsync(CreateProject message)
        await Repository.CreateAsync(new Project(message.Name));

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Rules for Message Handlers


The naming conventions in Wolverine are descended from a much earlier tool and the exact origins of the particular names are lost in the mist of time

  • Message handlers must be public types with a public constructor. Sorry folks, but the code generation strategy that Wolverine uses requires this.
  • Likewise, the handler methods must also be public
  • Yet again, the message type must be public
  • The first argument of the handler method must be the message type
  • It's legal to connect multiple handler methods to a single message type. Whether that's a good idea or not is up to you and your use case
  • Handler methods can be either instance methods or static methods
  • It's legal to accept either an interface or abstract class as a message type, but read the documentation on that below first

For naming conventions:

  • Handler type names should be suffixed with either Handler or Consumer
  • Handler method names should be either Handle() or Consume()

Also see stateful sagas as they have some additional rules.

See return values for much more information about what types can be returned from a handler method and how Wolverine would use those values.

Message Handler Parameters


If you're thinking to yourself, hmm, the method injection seems a lot like ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs, Wolverine has been baking an embarrassingly long time and had that implemented years earlier. Just saying.

The first argument always has to be the message type, but after that, you can accept:

  • Additional services from your application's Lamar IoC container
  • Envelope from Wolverine to interrogate metadata about the current message
  • IMessageContext or IMessageBus from Wolverine scoped to the current message being handled
  • CancellationToken for the current message execution to check for timeouts or system shut down
  • DateTime now or DateTimeOffset now for the current time. Don't laugh, I like doing this for testability's sake.

Some add ons or middleware add other possibilities as well.

Handler Lifecycle & Service Dependencies

Handler methods can be instance methods on handler classes if it's desirable to scope the handler object to the message:

public class ExampleHandler
    public void Handle(Message1 message)
        // Do work synchronously

    public Task Handle(Message2 message)
        // Do work asynchronously
        return Task.CompletedTask;

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When using instance methods, the containing handler type will be scoped to a single message and be disposed afterward. In the case of instance methods, it's perfectly legal to use constructor injection to resolve IoC registered dependencies as shown below:

public class ServiceUsingHandler
    private readonly IDocumentSession _session;

    public ServiceUsingHandler(IDocumentSession session)
        _session = session;

    public Task Handle(InvoiceCreated created)
        var invoice = new Invoice { Id = created.InvoiceId };

        return _session.SaveChangesAsync();

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Using a static method as your message handler can be a small performance improvement by avoiding the need to create and garbage collect new objects at runtime.

As an alternative, you can also use static methods as message handlers:

public static class ExampleHandler
    public static void Handle(Message1 message)
        // Do work synchronously

    public static Task Handle(Message2 message)
        // Do work asynchronously
        return Task.CompletedTask;

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The handler classes can be static classes as well. This technique gets much more useful when combined with Wolverine's support for method injection in a following section.

Method Injection

Similar to ASP.NET Core, Wolverine supports the concept of method injection in handler methods where you can just accept additional arguments that will be passed into your method by Wolverine when a new message is being handled.

Below is an example action method that takes in a dependency on an IDocumentSession from Marten:

public static class MethodInjectionHandler
    public static Task Handle(InvoiceCreated message, IDocumentSession session)
        var invoice = new Invoice { Id = message.InvoiceId };

        return session.SaveChangesAsync();

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So, what can be injected as an argument to your message handler?

  1. Any service that is registered in your application's IoC container
  2. Envelope
  3. The current time in UTC if you have a parameter like DateTime now or DateTimeOffset now
  4. Services or variables that match a registered code generation strategy.

Cascading Messages from Actions

See Cascading Messages for more details on this feature. Just know that a message "cascaded" from a handler is effectively the same thing as calling IMessageBus.PublishAsync() and gets handled independently from the originating message.

"Compound Handlers"


Wolverine's "compound handler" feature where handlers can be built from multiple methods that are called one at a time by Wolverine was heavily inspired by Jim Shore's writing on the "A-Frame Architecture". See Jeremy's post A-Frame Architecture with Wolverine for more background on the goals and philosophy behind this approach.

It's frequently advantageous to split message handling for a single message up into methods that load any necessary data and the business logic that transforms the current state or decides to take other actions. Wolverine allows you to use the conventional middleware naming conventions on each handler to do exactly this. The goal here is to use separate methods for different concerns like loading data or validating data so that the "main" message handler (or HTTP endpoint method) can be a pure function that is completely focused on domain logic or business workflow logic for easy reasoning and effective unit testing. This is Wolverine's way of creating separation of concerns in a vertical slice without incurring the overhead of typical Onion/Clean/Hexagonal/Ports and Adapters code organization strategies.

That's a lot of words, so let's consider the case of a message handler that is used to initiate the shipment of an order. That handler will ultimately need to load data for both the order itself and the customer information in order to figure out exactly what to ship out, how to ship it (overnight air? 2 day ground delivery?), and where.

Using Wolverine's compound handler feature, that might look like this:

public static class ShipOrderHandler
    // This would be called first
    public static async Task<(Order, Customer)> LoadAsync(ShipOrder command, IDocumentSession session)
        var order = await session.LoadAsync<Order>(command.OrderId);
        if (order == null)
            throw new MissingOrderException(command.OrderId);

        var customer = await session.LoadAsync<Customer>(command.CustomerId);

        return (order, customer);

    // By making this method completely synchronous and having it just receive the
    // data it needs to make determinations of what to do next, Wolverine makes this
    // business logic easy to unit test
    public static IEnumerable<object> Handle(ShipOrder command, Order order, Customer customer)
        // use the command data, plus the related Order & Customer data to
        // "decide" what action to take next

        yield return new MailOvernight(order.Id);

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The naming conventions for what Wolverine will consider to be either a "before" or "after" method is shown below:

Here's the conventions:

LifecycleMethod Names
Before the Handler(s)Before, BeforeAsync, Load, LoadAsync, Validate, ValidateAsync
After the Handler(s)After, AfterAsync, PostProcess, PostProcessAsync
In finally blocks after the Handlers & "After" methodsFinally, FinallyAsync

The exact name has no impact on functionality, but the idiom is that Load/LoadAsync is used to load input data for the main handler method. These methods can be thought of as "setting the table" for whatever the main handler method actually needs to do. Validate/ValidateAsync are primarily for validating the incoming command or HTTP request against the current system state to "decide" if the message handling or HTTP request should continue. The choice of method name is really up to you as a description of what that method actually does.

You can also mark any public method on a message handler or HTTP endpoint class with the Wolverine [Before] or [After] attributes so that you can use more specifically descriptive method names. These methods are mostly ordered from top to bottom depending on the order you define them in your handler class -- but Wolverine will reorder the methods when one method produces an input to another method. In a way, think of the compound handler technique in Wolverine as a cousin to Railway Programming.

Using the Message Envelope

To access the Envelope for the current message being handled in your message handler, just accept Envelope as a method argument like this:

public class EnvelopeUsingHandler
    public void Handle(InvoiceCreated message, Envelope envelope)
        var howOldIsThisMessage =

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Using the Current IMessageContext

If you want to access or use the current IMessageContext for the message being handled to send response messages or maybe to enqueue local commands within the current outbox scope, just take in IMessageContext as a method argument like in this example:

using Messages;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Wolverine;

namespace Ponger;

public class PingHandler
    public ValueTask Handle(Ping ping, ILogger<PingHandler> logger, IMessageContext context)
        logger.LogInformation("Got Ping #{Number}", ping.Number);
        return context.RespondToSenderAsync(new Pong { Number = ping.Number });

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public static class PingHandler
    // Simple message handler for the PingMessage message type
    public static ValueTask Handle(
        // The first argument is assumed to be the message type
        PingMessage message,

        // Wolverine supports method injection similar to ASP.Net Core MVC
        // In this case though, IMessageContext is scoped to the message
        // being handled
        IMessageContext context)
        AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[blue]Got ping #{message.Number}[/]");

        var response = new PongMessage
            Number = message.Number

        // This usage will send the response message
        // back to the original sender. Wolverine uses message
        // headers to embed the reply address for exactly
        // this use case
        return context.RespondToSenderAsync(response);

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Released under the MIT License.